![]() It is amazing the reactions that people have to meeting Charlotte. Now, it is no secret that Charlotte and her mom Pumpkin live with a family dedicated to making sure that all animals get to live happy lives. But I have never seen so powerful an activist as this little girl, and her only action is being herself. A very powerful instance of this happened today. We met a lovely woman that grew up on a farm with 'beef cattle and hogs', she still has family that run that same farm, and had more reason than anyone to have forced down the feelings that something wasn't quite right about what happens to animals within animal agriculture. From birth until this moment she had been told the same story most everyone is told: animals are here for us to eat and use. Yet, it wasn't a minute in to having met Charlotte that she started asking all kinds of questions. And she finally said that she had goosebumps because she had just realized she'd never thought of the fact that animals could be seen as deserving the kind of rights and respect I suggested all living beings deserved: life, liberty, and pursuing happiness as they see fit. She added she was feeling guilt from knowing what had happened to all the animals all those years, to which I told her my philosophy that we just have to be the best version of who we can be in each moment. But, here was someone who shouldn't have had an easy time confronting the reality that animals are not means to our ends to be used by us but have purposes of their own. And yet a few minutes with Charlotte had her reevaluating everything she'd ever known about our relationship to animals. And clearly it is just the beginning of a new journey. Even when confronted with the truth it is difficult to discard years of being told the same story. But, it is a beautiful thing that one little piglet can have such an impact on someone. She gives me hope. #powerofthepig
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