To find assistance for injured wildlife in your area, visit Animal Help Now
While it may be inconvenient to stop to help injured wildlife, we guarantee that animal is having a much worse day than you. If you or a loved one were injured, wouldn't you want someone to take the time to help?
Life With Pigs is not a licensed rehabber and cannot accept wildlife at our sanctuary. Luckily there is a great resource that will help you find wildlife rehabilitators wherever you are!
For serious injuries, call local emergency veterinarians - you may have to call several, but keep calling.
If you find a dead or injured opossum, be sure to check for a pouch with babies! Opossum's DO NOT have rabies!
If you are having trouble finding a wildlife rehabilitator to help with a candid (member of the dog family such a fox, coyote, etc.) contact [email protected] or 1-866-REDFOX1 for a list of wildlife rehabilitators in every state.
Veterinarians in the Williamsburg, VA area that accept wildlife:
Godspeed Animal Care
Animal Emergency Center (afterhours and weekends 24hr emergency center)
Wildlife Center of Virginia, (540) 942-9453
Godspeed Animal Care
Animal Emergency Center (afterhours and weekends 24hr emergency center)
Wildlife Center of Virginia, (540) 942-9453
Other National Resources
Report an Injured or Stranded Marine Mammal
Humane Society: How to Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator
Peta: Wildlife Emergencies
Humane Society: How to Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator
Peta: Wildlife Emergencies
International Resources
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