Sam is a Sulcata tortoise who came from a family who was not able to give him an outside space to enjoy. Due to outliving their caretakers, growing quite large, and being voracious diggers, Sulcata tortoises are often rehomed many times in their life. They are shy and uncertain around new people and form deep attachments to their home and their possessions, so this is not a pleasant situation for a tortoise to be in. However, we knew we could give Sam his best happily ever after and so we set about building a tiki-themed tortoise paradise (because who doesn't love a tiki theme?) complete with a house and porch, a cave, a small mountain, a dipping pool, and lots of new grasses, plants, trees, and large stones. Because Sam likes to eat small rocks, which are not good for him, we are constantly ensuring that all the rocks in his area are removed every time it rains and new ones come up through the soil. Though Sam was shy at first, he quickly began chasing us for leafy snacks and roaming around his new territory. We can't wait to see more and more of his amazing personality!
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